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Take a look at what Diabetics do to stay healthy in the Corona pandemic.

Take a look at what Diabetics do to stay healthy in the Corona pandemic.  The whole world is plagued by Coronavirus. Scientist...

Take a look at what Diabetics do to stay healthy in the Corona pandemic. 

The whole world is plagued by Coronavirus. Scientists and doctors are desperate to prevent infection. But nothing seems to be able to handle this deadly virus. According to experts, patients with comorbidity are becoming more at risk of contracting the virus. One of them is diabetes. 

Various studies have shown that uncontrolled diabetes is at the root of the overdose of Covid-19. As a result, many patients are dying. Various studies have shown that the incidence of diabetes in our country is very high compared to other countries. Many people are suffering from this complex disease in less than 30 years. In some cases, diabetes is also diagnosed at the age of 10, which is known as juvenile diabetes.

According to doctors, if diabetes is not under control, the risk of corona infection increases as well as the complications of the disease. So be careful if you are also affected by diabetes. 

Follow these rules to prevent corona infections.

1) Use masks, wash hands, maintain physical and social distance, etc. Follow the safety rules of Covid-19.

2) Try not to go out of the house at this time. Do the housework with other healthy members.

3) You have to use a three-layer mask when you go outside. Adhere to social distance and wash your hands, feet, and face thoroughly with soap and water as soon as you return home. The clothes should be changed and washed in soapy water.

4) Diabetic ketoacidosis or 'DKA' is a problem that often causes shortness of breath. In this case, do not confuse with corona symptoms, consult a doctor. Because ‘DKA’ can cause very complex problems.

5) Do not smoke. Also, stop drinking. These further complicate the disease and increase the risk of corona infection. 

6) As usual, follow the doctor's advice to continue to take diabetes medication. Do not neglect to take medicine. Of course, take the medicine according to the doctor's advice.

7) Drink plenty of water. This is because the problem arises when you do not drink a lot of water after taking sugar medicine. 

8) Exercise in the morning and evening, it will keep the weight under control and will also increase immunity. Besides, sugar levels will also be under control.

9) If the sugar level suddenly fluctuates rapidly, consult a doctor.

10. Keep yourself free from worries about the corona. This will make you healthier. Sugar levels will be under control.

11) If there is a sick person in the house, keep yourself away from him.

What to do if diabetic patients have corona symptoms:

1) In case of slight symptoms of the corona, consult a doctor immediately.

2) Don't be afraid, keep yourself confined in a separate room as per the doctor's instructions till the test of COVID-19.

3) While in isolation, take diabetes medicine following the doctor's advice. Do not stop taking the medicine for fear of corona, it may increase the danger.

4) Tell the doctor what medications for diabetes you have taken during corona treatment. This will further benefit your treatment.

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