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How a Free 7-Day Eating Plan Can Help You Manage Your Diabetes

How a Free 7-Day Eating Plan Can Help You Manage Your Diabetes Prediabetes is a condition that develops when the body stops producing...

How a Free 7-Day Eating Plan Can Help You Manage Your Diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition that develops when the body stops producing
enough insulin to process glucose, causing the sugar levels in the body to be
higher than normal. Although prediabetes is likely to develop into type 2
diabetes within 10 years if left untreated, the condition can be managed and
even reversed with a healthy lifestyle and diet changes.

The Causes of Prediabetes

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Consuming sugar normally
causes the pancreas to secrete enough insulin to convert the sugar to energy.
This process stops working properly when prediabetes develops. Although doctors
aren't completely sure of the exact cause of prediabetes, studies are beginning
to show that certain people have a genetic predisposition to the development of
prediabetes. Excess weight and abdominal fat have also been shown to increase
the chances of developing diabetes. Other risk factors include advancing age, a
diet high in sugars, lack of exercise, family history and lack of sleep.

Preventing Diabetes With a Healthy Lifestyle

If you've been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, you will want to work
with your physician to develop a healthy lifestyle plan. Normally daily
exercise is recommended with a goal of 30 minutes or more on most days of the
week. Exercise works to maintain healthy sugar levels by causing the muscles to
burn excess glucose in the bloodstream for energy. Maintaining a healthy body
weight is also suggested, since recent studies have shown that losing excess
weight is able to prevent and even reverse the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Excess body fat increases insulin resistance, which makes it more difficult for
insulin to process sugar into energy, leading to increased blood sugar levels.

Taking Control With An Organized Plan

If you need to lose weight, it's important to choose a healthy plan that
includes plenty of lean protein and healthy fats to keep you satisfied. You'll
also want to reduce your intake of sugars, trans fats, processed foods, breads
and desserts. Your doctor will most likely recommend balanced meals with a mix
of protein and carbohydrates in order to stabilize insulin levels. Unless you
have the help of a nutritionist or dietician, it can be difficult to put
together a new eating plan to lose weight as well as maintain blood sugar

A company called Quality has developed a Free 7-Day Diabetes Meal
Plan that does all the work for you. This convenient meal plan takes all the
guesswork out of putting together healthy meals, snacks and even desserts for a
full week. The best part about the plan is that everyone in your household will
enjoy the delicious meals created using these menus! Sign up for your free meal
plan today and get back on the road to good health.

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